Carbon emissions, water pollution, chemical and plastic pollution are all consequences of overconsumption and people's desire for fast fashion. Fashion should not cost the planet, but sadly the earth's resources are being over exhausted at record speed. The UN predicts that by 2050 if no changes to the consumption habits are made, we will need the resources equivalent to 3 planets to continue living like we do now.
According to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the average number of times a piece of clothing is worn decreased by 36% between 2000 and 2015. The UN says the average consumer today buys 60% more pieces of clothing than they did 15 years ago, and each item is kept for half as long. This shift was influenced by increased quantity and speed of clothing production and d
ecreased price and quality. The less people value their clothing the more likely they will discard it, which leads to excessive carbon emissions, pollution, and deadly gases. By extending the lifecycle of our clothes by an extra nine months could reduce carbon, waste and water footprints by around 20–30% each.
These facts highlight that our society is in grave need of new economic models for fashion that will be based on reducing consumption of materials that are associated with economic growth. At the Archive Closet, we stand by conscious consumption, our values are driven by zero-waste production and circular economy principles. We source, upcycle and reuse each vintage garment individually, taking into consideration the unique structure of the garment.
At The Archive Closet, we love /riːl/cycled premium vintage - sustainable fashion for better tomorrow.
Source: Environmental Audit Committee, 2019; Ellen MacArthur Foundation